[Unbound-users] root key format

Paul Wouters paul at nohats.ca
Wed May 9 17:59:13 UTC 2012

On Wed, 9 May 2012, Jan-Piet Mens wrote:

>> I would like to ship 1 file format that can be used for both. Am I
>> overlooking something?
> The rdata portion is identical in both cases, so you could ship that and
> "build" the format you need upon initializing your application. Would
> that work?

Ideally, I would like to ship one format of the root key, usuable by any
application, not just unbound. I had hoped that the format everyone
would decide on was the trusted-key statement in bind syntax.

I'm trying to avoid shipping the root key in various tools and

With respect to unbound, it would be nice if the daemon and the library
could settle on 1 format to use.


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